No. 5, 2010
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    No. 5, 2010


    Kryukov K.V., Pankova L.A., Pronina V.A., Suhoverov V.S., Shipilina L.B. Semantic Similarity Measures in Ontology. Review and Classification (pp. 2-14)

    Abstract. The review and classification of semantic similarity measures for concepts, relations, instances and ontologies are given. Measures are based on location in hierarchical structures, nonhierarchical relations, attributes. The survey of estimation methods is given.

    Keywords: ontology, concept, relation, attribute, instance, semantic similarity.

    Analysis and Design of Control Systems

    Tsykunov A. M. Robust Control of Nonlinear Plant by Output (pp. 15-21)

    Abstract. The paper considers the problem of tracking a reference signal for plant which dynamics is described by nonlinear differential equations. The control algorithm received allows tracking a reference signal with required accuracy and compensates the influence of the parametrical and external limited indignations on the adjustable variable. The result received is generalized to nonlinear systems with a state vector lag. The results received are illustrated by numerical example.

    Keywords: robust control, delay, Lyapunov function, reference signal, revolting influence.

    Baturina O.V. Linear Dynamic Systems with Controlled Coefficients. Investigation of Iterative Optimization Methods (pp. 22-27)

    Abstract. The problem of optimal control for linear dynamic systems with controlled coefficients and quadratic criterion is considered. The global method and the gradient method for improvement of control are described and investigated. The efficiency of these methods is compared based on numerical implementation.

    Keywords: optimal control, iterative methods, improvement of control, global method, gradient method.

    Control in Social and Economic Systems

    Geraskin M.I. Models of Corporations Control for the Case of Inter-Corporate Relations (pp. 28-38)

    Abstract. The analysis of the state-of-the-art of corporation control theory for the case of inter-corporate relations is conducted. The insufficient capability of contemporary econometric models of corporation control as hierarchical systems with regard to integrated (nonhierarchical) systems of corporations is proved. The models and mechanisms of control of nonhierarchical systems of interacting corporations based on transfer of economic effects of interaction are developed.

    Keywords: corporation, hierarchical system, vertical and horizontal coordination of interests, polycorporative system.

    Control in Medical and Biological Systems

    Dorofeyuk A.A., Guchuk V.V., Desova A.A., Dorofeyuk J.A. Expert-Ranging Methodology For Quasiperiodic Signals Analysis In Diagnostic Problems (pp. 39-47)

    Abstract. The paper considers the methodology of quasiperiodic time series structure analysis for solving diagnostic problems, that has been developed on the basis of the expert-ranging data analysis methods. The methodology has been implemented and applied practically on the base of using radial artery pulse signal analysis for complex medical diagnostic problem solving. The results of investigation, presented in the paper, proved the fundamental possibility of complex disease diagnostics based on quasiperiodic bioelectric signal (pulsograms) analysis.

    Keywords: expert-ranging methods, quasiperiodic signals, radial artery pulse signal (pulsogram), pulsogram form typology, pulsogram spectral density typology, medical diagnostics.

    Information Technologies in Control

    Vedeshenkov V.A. One Approach to Diagnosing Heterogeneous Digital Systems with Symmetric Bipartite Graph Structures (pp. 48-56)

    Abstract. The heterogeneous digital systems (DS) structured as symmetric bipartite graphs consisting of processors, memory units and commutator units allowing to connect any pair: processor and memory unit, are considered. For DS with such structures, the approach of diagnosing with accuracy to a separate component (processor, memory unit, commutator units, connection`s line) is proposed. For the period of diagnosing the polytypic units are combined in tested subsystems of the same composition. The example of diagnosing of the heterogeneous DC including four processors, three memory units and seven commutator units is considered.

    Keywords: heterogeneous digital systems, symmetric bipartite graph, commutator unit, diagnosis, tested subsystems.

    Moving Objects Control and Navigation

    Rapoport L.B. The Attitude Determination Method (pp. 57-64)

    Abstract. The paper describes the attitude determination method. The body is supposed to belong to near- earth space at altitude significantly lower than network satellite systems are located.

    Keywords: satellite navigation, attitude determination, navigation equations, range measurements.

    Silaev A.V. The Gradient Adaptation Algorithm in a Flexible Spacecraft Orientation Control System (pp. 65-72)

    Abstract. The problem of minimizing a magnitude of flexible oscillations in angular motion of a flexible spacecraft is solved. The magnitude of flexible oscillations is estimated by their envelope. Equations for estimation of flexible modes envelopes taking into account their proper damping are concluded. The gradient algorithm of parameter adaptation of the base object orientation control law minimizing the total flexible modes envelope is proposed.

    Keywords: flexible spacecraft, flexible oscillations, envelope, adaptive control.

    Abramyantz T.G., Maslov E.P., Yahno V.P. Avoidance of a Moving Object from Detection by a Group of Observers (pp. 73-79)

    Abstract. The problem of avoidance of a moving object from detection by group of sensors is considered. Control vector includes trajectory and law of motion velocity. Optimal solution is presented.

    Keywords: avoidance from detection, group of observers, first integral, Dijkstra algorithm.

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