Editorial Policy
Publication Ethics
The Advisory and Editorial Boards and Editorial Office of Control Sciences adhere to the principles and standards of the Declaration of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP) as well as the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and other international unions of editors and publishers.
Download Ethical Principles for Scientific Publications.
Peer Review
All manuscripts submitted to the Journal undergo the Peer Review Procedure.
Plagiarism and Borrowings
All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are checked for uniqueness. Articles with a uniqueness level below 70% are not considered by the Editorial Office.
The Editorial Offices uses Rucontext, an AI-based expert system for plagiarism search and borrowings detection. The databases of documents available in this system support search in all languages of the world.
Open Access
Control Sciences adheres to the principles declared in the Budapest Open Access Initiative. All issues of the Journal are placed in the Archive section of this website as well as in the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY) in the open access mode.
The papers published in the Journal are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Worldwide License, except as otherwise stated. Thus, the users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or refer to the full-text papers of the Journal, provided that the authors and the Journal are explicitly indicated.
Exclusive rights to the papers published in the Journal belong to their authors.
Publication Fees and Payments
All publications in the Journal are free of charge: the Editorial Office collects no fees or payments from the authors for any services when considering their submissions and publishing the accepted papers.