No. 6, 2009
Control in Social and Economic Systems
Dzhashitov V.E., Pankratov V.M., Reztchikov A.E., Dzhashitov A.E. Mathematical Modeling and Control in Social Informing and Information Exchange Systems (pp. 2-8)
Abstract. Mathematical models allowing to solve problems of control of information exchange in society have been constructed and investigated. Method of information elementary balances is offered and methods of nonlinear dynamics of systems have been used in order to construct and analyze the mathematical models. Computer numerical calculations have been made; qualitative and quantitative estimations confirming working capacity of constructed models have been received. Recommendations on optimization of information exchange in social institutions are given.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, information exchange, control in social systems, nonlinear dynamic systems.
Dyomin N.S., Kuleshova E.V. Control of One-Sector Economy Under Restrictions on Saving And Consumption (pp. 9-17)
Abstract. A problem of optimal control of one-sector economy in the short run under restrictions on saving and consumption taking into account industrial expenses and tax deductions has been investigated on a class of linearly-homogeneous production functions. The basic result is formulated in the form of Turnpike Theorem. The Golden Rule of Saving, defining how economic product is distributed on a turnpike is derived. The results are specified for the case of Cobb–Douglas production function.
Keywords: control, one-sector economy, production function, turnpike theorem, golden rule of saving.
Korgin N. Feasibility of Multi-Criteria Expertise Results Verification – «Intersection» Property Application (pp. 18-27)
Abstract. The paper analyses the properties of generalized median voter schemes in order to reduce complexity of intersection property verification. The new approach allowing to determine for random generalized median voter scheme for which sets of alternatives this scheme does satisfy the intersection property.
Keywords: active expertise, social choice, strategy-proof mechanism, generalized median voter scheme.
Control of Complex Technological Processes and Productions
Soultanov R.А., Slabnov V.D., Foukin I.А., Skvortsov V.V. On a Problem of Optimum Oil Production Process Control with Application of Probability Law of Distribution for Some Parameter of Laminated Layer (pp. 28-34)
Abstract. Mathematical model, which describes two-phase filtration process in laminated layer is offered. Parameters of laminated layer might change in thickness as well as in length (square expanse). Probability law of absolute permeability distribution along thickness is described with discrete analogue of random quantity distribution. Four hypotheses about water displacement of oil fr om volume element of laminated layer are defined. Comparison of the basic technological indicator of oil production with and without optimal regulation process is made.
Keywords: mathematical model, two-phase filtration, probability law of random quantity distribution, laminated layer, optimal regulation process.
Control in Medical and Biological Systems
Suhoverov V.S., Romanov G.A. Modeling of Hormone-Controlled Bipolar Growth of Plant-Type Cellular Structures (pp. 35-43)
Abstract. A model for proliferative growth of the plant-type cellular structure where the cell division is controlled by two hormones-activators is proposed. A software package has been developed to produce calculations on the model in interactive mode. Results of computer modeling are presented.
Keywords: model, control, software package, cell, hormone, proliferative growth.
Moving Objects Control
Abramjants T.G., Belanov Ju.A., Maslov E.P., Jahno V.P. Search for Moving Object with Use of Informative Character «Trace». P. 2: Optimization of Search Trajectories (pp. 44-51)
Abstract. The paper is dedicated to solution of the problem of pursuer’s trajectory optimization where pursuer detects a moving object (target) and approaches it using informative character «trace». Optimal search trajectories are derived explicitly for different parameters sets.
Keywords: search for a moving target, search situation, target «trace», optimal search trajectory.
Information Technologies in Control
Utkin L.V., Zatenko S.I., Coolen F. New Interval Bayesian Software Reliability Models on the Basis of the Non-Homogeneous Poisson Processes (pp. 52-58)
Abstract. A new class of software reliability growth models is proposed. It is based on the well-known models using the non-homogeneous Poisson processes, for instance, Goel-Okumoto model or Musa-Okumoto model. The main idea of the models is to combine imprecise Bayesian models, where a set of prior probability distributions is considered instead of a single distribution. The numerical analysis of the proposed models with use of real statistical data indicates situations when the models provide higher reliability forecast quality in comparison with the known reliability models.
Keywords: reliability, software, Bayesian inference, probability distribution, non-homogeneous Poisson processes, maximum likelihood estimation, model.
Vedeshenkov V.A. Organization of Diagnosing of Digital Systems with Symmetric Bipartite Graph Structures (pp. 59-67)
Abstract. The feature of digital systems (DS) structured as symmetric bipartite graphs consists in using of equal number of modules of two types (processors and memory). For digital systems with such structures, the organization of diagnosing with accuracy to a separate component (processor, memory, connection`s line) has been developed. For the period of diagnosing the polytypic units are combined in tested subsystems of the same composition. The example of the organization of diagnosing of the DS including seven processors and seven memories has been considered.
Keywords: digital systems, symmetric bipartite graph, component, diagnosis, tested subsystems.
Zadorozhnyi V.N. Optimization of Nonmarkovian Queueing Networks (pp. 68-75)
Abstract. The new effective analytical-simulation optimization method of nonmarkovian queueing networks is offered. Speed of convergence and accuracy of the method are experimentally estimated. Practical recommendations on method's application are given.
Keywords: queueing network, optimization, analytical-simulation modeling.
Fetisov V.N. Effective Utilization of Multi-Core Microprocessors for Implementation of Control Algorithms (pp. 76-80)
The problem of multi-core microprocessors use for control algorithm realization with a markovian object as a predictive model is considered. The paper shows that for various operating systems realization of parallel calculations is simple if corresponding system functions are used. Features of the offered approach are considered. The area of the initial data wh ere the organization of parallel calculations might be inefficient is specified. Higher efficiency of the offered way of calculations in comparison with programming language «OpenMP» is shown.
Keywords: markovian object, predictive model control, parallel computations, multi-core microprocessor.
Vladimir Nikolayevich Burkov (on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary) (p. 81)
Full issue