No. 2, 2005
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    No. 2, 2005

    General Aspects of Control Theory

    Shapovalov V.I. On Fundamental Mechanisms of Tendency Control (pp. 2-11)

    Abstract. The criteria of entropy change in open systems are suggested as fundamental causes of system tendencies. The paper demonstrates that entropy oscillations around system’s steady state play a key role in global tendencies formation. It also shows that the nonlinearity of an equation that describes commercial activities of a private enterprise reflects its system advantage in business competition against a public enterprise.

    Zatuliveter Yu.S. The Problems of Control Paradigm Globalization in the Mathematically Uniform Field of Computer Information. I. To the Common Function Space (pp. 12-23)

    Abstract. Special features of the formation of a social metasystem and its passage to a new state are examined in the conditions of global information space. The computer problems of the control paradigm globalization are discerned and investigated fr om the generic viewpoint. The axiomatics of the mathematically uniform field of computer information in the model of the calculus of tree-type structures is justified. An approach to the global control problems solution in the mathematically uniform field of computer information is formed.

    Analysis and Design of Control Systems

    Romashchev A.A., Arefiev Yu.I. Identification of Nonstationary Objects’ Order by Test Signals Technique (pp. 24-29)

    Abstract. The paper offers a two-step procedure for non-stationary linear objects’ order identification using test signals technique. The order of the first and second members of equation are determined sequentially. Noise reduction problems are also discussed.

    Parsheva E.A. Adaptive Decentralized Output Control of Multivariable Delayed Objects with Nonminimal Realization of Reference Model (pp. 30-36)

    Abstract. The problem of designing an adaptive control system with reference models of local subsystems for multivariable objects with condition delay is solved where only controlled variable and the scalar control can be measured. The operability of the synthesized control systems under the affect of non-measured limited disturbances is proved. Thus, only measurands of local subsystems are employed for control impacts generation, i.e. the completely decentralized control is performed.

    Systems Analysis and Data Processing

    Blumin S.L., Shmyrin A.M., Shmyrina O.A. Representations of Nonlinear Fuzzy-Neibourhood Systems (pp. 37-40)

    Abstract. The paper examines the classes of neighborhood and nonlinear fuzzy-neighborhood’s systems, and the algorithms for linearization and adaptive parameter identification.

    Levin V.I. Interval Logic and Superfuzzy Sets (pp. 40-43)

    Abstract. The paper offers a generalization of L.Zadeh’s fuzzy set concept wh ere the basic notion – the membership function – is characterized with some uncertainty. Interval uncertainty is accepted for generalization, and interval logic is applied.

    Fedorov Yu.V. Matching Interests of Enterprises of Financial and Industrial Groups in Resources Allocation Problem (pp. 44-49)

    Abstract. The problem of resources allocation is considered from the viewpoint of estimating the priority of FIG development actions. An approach based on system analysis, hierarchies analysis techniques and functional-cost analysis is offered. The approach allows to reveal the best alternative among several ones offered.

    Barkalov P.S., Kolpachev V.N. Operations Schedule Optimization for Various Logistic Schemes (pp. 50-53)

    Abstract. The paper examines the problem of developing an optimal team transportation schedule: the work sequence is determined that provides minimum deviation from the specified time constraints in view of resource transportation between work sites. The solutions for linear, ring, and radial transportation networks are offered.

    Control in Social and Economic Systems

    Karibsky A.V., Mishutin D.Yu., Shishorin Yu.R. Financial and Economic Controlling Methods for Business Planning and Managing of Integrated Companies. Part 1 (pp. 54-62)

    Abstract. New controlling problems and techniques applied in financial planning and operation management of integrated companies are discussed.

    Aleskerov F.T., Shyt B.M. Power Generation, Legal and Illegal Consumption (pp. 63-69)

    Abstract. An approach to power industry analysis in various periods of economic development is offered. The relationship between power generation and consumption and economic development as a whole in view of commercial losses is examined.

    Zhukovskaya L.V. Risk in Some Bank Operations (pp. 69-71)

    Abstract. A method for risk investigation in banking activities is offered; the possibility of applying minimax regret principle for risk evaluation is demonstrated. An algorithm for finding minimum risk solution is offered that ensures the minimum risk among all risks under consideration.

    Baranenko S.P. Enterprise Stability Loss, Its Causes and Methods to Resist (pp. 72-75)

    Abstract. The paper shows that the loss of economic stability of an enterprise is basically caused by large external disturbances and strategic mistakes of the management. It examines the effect of the correlation between environment change rate and typical response rate of the enterprise on the management process and outlines the ways to improve the economic stability to external environment perturbations.


    16th IFAC Symposium On Automatic Control In Aerospace (pp. 75-79)

    Full issue 

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