No. 2, 2007
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    No. 2, 2007

    Analysis and Design of Control Systems

    Lychenko N.M. Decomposition-Coordinated Optimization with Parallel Information Processing for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems (pp. 2-7)

    Abstract. Hierarchical algorithms are developed for the optimal control of interconnected nonlinear large-scale dynamic systems. The algorithms synthesis is based on decomposition-coordinated optimization technique with criterion adaptation in the two-level solution structure where the coordinated variables are fixed on the top level, while the independent optimization subproblems are solved on the lower one. For getting computational advantages, it is proposed to apply a concurrent scheme of coordinating variables calculation in the two-level solution structure, whereby the bottom-level optimization tasks are also solved concurrently.

    Zhukov V.P. On the Conditions Defining Stability Nature for Some Classes of Nonlinear Dynamic System (pp. 8-10)

    Abstract. The paper shows that stability analysis for some classes of nonlinear dynamic systems of any order enables direct Lyapunov function construction based on the second member of the system’s equation. This fact can be used not only for dynamic systems analysis but for their synthesis as well. The conditions determining the stability nature of isolated equilibrium states of autonomous nonlinear dynamic systems of any order are developed; these conditions have clear geometric interpretation. Sufficient and necessary/sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability as well as sufficient conditions for stability and instability are presented.

    Information Technologies in Control

    Abramova N.A. On Risk Problem due to Human Factor in Experimental Methods and Information Technologies (pp. 11-21)

    Abstract. The problem of risks due to human factor in the tasks of practical management through expert methods and information technologies is examined as a complex problem comprising the whole lifecycle of such methods and information technologies. Some models of the mental influence of “outward intelligence” on the quality of managerial tasks accomplishment allowing for the risks are presented. Some principles and approaches aimed at confining the role of the identified risk types are proposed.

    Podlazov V.S., Sokolov V.V. The Method for Homogeneous Expansion of System Area Networks in Multiprocessor Computing Systems (pp. 22-27)

    Abstract. The paper offers a method for homogeneous expansion of any system area networks that keeps their functionalities such as routing quality data transmission delays. The method enables simultaneous assemblage of large system area networks fr om small networks with specified functionalities.

    Tverdokhlebov V.A. Interpolation Techniques in Technical Diagnosis (pp. 28-34)

    Abstract. Key issues of technical diagnosis of large-scale and complex systems are discussed. A method for diagnostic models design using interpolation based on partial diagnostic information is expounded. The limitation on fault models application and the capabilities of diagnostic tools are determined by the complex diagnosis objects’ inaccessibility for complete and precise description.

    Vedeshenkov V.A. An Approach to Checking Large-Scale Digital Systems with Toroidal Grid-Type Structure (pp. 35-39)

    Abstract. An approach to parallel checking of large-scale digital systems with toroidal grid-type structure is presented. The system components are checked in three stages. At the first stage, parallel checking of the components of subsystems parceled out by primary apportionment is executed. At the second (third) stage, parallel subsystems including the connections adjacent to primary subsystem’s nodes fr om the right (from below) are checked. A checking procedure for the components a subsystem with four nodes placed in 2´2 square’s corners is developed and an example of its implementation is included.

    Tchobanou M.K. Multirate Systems for Multidimensional Signal Processing. Part I (pp. 40-45)

    Abstract. Methods and tools for multidimensional digital signal processing extensively developed abroad over the past 20–30 years are discussed. Applications examples wh ere multirate multidimensional digital signal processing is needed are adduced.

    Control in Social and Economic Systems

    Tsyganov V.V., Arzhakov M.V., Bagamaev R.A. Adaptive Ranking Mechanisms (pp. 46-51)

    Abstract. The paper discusses the synthesis of progressive adaptive operation mechanisms of a two-level active system whose Center adjusts the parameter of classification decision rule. Based on classification results, the long-sighted system element is ranked and stimulated. Sufficient conditions of the progressiveness of adaptive ranking mechanisms are determined for long- and short-sighted Center.

    Shchepkina M.A. Optimization of Stimulation Mechanism Parameters (pp. 52-55)

    Abstract. The paper discusses the procedure for developing teamwork participation factors with the objective to increase the productivity of each team member’s contribution under lim ited compensation fund.

    Bogachkova L.Yu., Savitsky E.V. Modeling of Price Diversification at European Gas Market and the Improvement of Russian Natural Gas Export Strategy (pp. 56-60)

    Abstract. The paper presents the modeling of price diversification in view of the risks of supply interruption to the present day German and All-European markets. Numerical analysis of market liberalization effect on the efficiency of Russian gas export is undertaken. Additional justification of some actions taken by the Russian government and the top management of RAO Gazprom on the improvement of Russian strategy at world gas markets is made.

    Gladkov Yu.M., Mikrin E.A., Shelkov A.B. Analysis and Synthesis of Auditors' Risk Minimization Mechanisms (pp. 61-65)

    Abstract. The paper discusses the analysis and synthesis of the mechanisms of field audits efficiency and effectiveness improvement subject to auditor’s risk minimization criterion. Graph models are employed.

    Samokhina A.S. Evaluation of Antiterrorist Monitoring Projects in a Bioterrorism Prevention System (pp. 61-70)

    Abstract. The paper discusses methods and algorithms used in a decision-making support system intended for determining, assessment, and selection of projects and tasks for antiterrorist monitoring to prevent bioterrorism.

    Philosophical Aspects of Control

    Rusyaeva E.Yu. Comparative Analysis of Social Systems Management in Contemporary China, West Countries, and Russia (pp. 71-77)

    Abstract. The results of interdisciplinary analysis of social systems management in contemporary China, West countries, and Russia are presented. Based on cultural history material, key criteria of management analysis are determined. Management features for different social models are identified, and the domains of attraction are shown for selecting priority lines of systems development.

    Short Reports

    Nyudyurbegov A.N. Selecting Effective Variants of Fishing Vessels Operation and Their Modernization Plan (pp. 78-79)

    Abstract. The problem of developing an optimal long-term plan for fishing vessels operation in view of their maintenance and modernization is discussed. A case study is included.

    Kolemaev V.A. The Synthesis of a Predictive Analog of Samuelson – Heeks Model (pp. 80-82)

    Abstract. A more stable form of Samuelson – Heeks model is offered and its application for GDP doubling is investigated.

    Dorofeyuk A.A., Chernyavsky A.L. Well Interpretable Classification Design Algorithms (pp. 83-84)

    Abstract. A method for specifying a multi-dimensional classification making it more clear for practical specialist is offered. Design algorithms for such classifications are considered.


    Russian 1st Multi Conference on Control Problems. An Analytical Review (pp. 85-87)

    «Innovations Control – 2006»: The Strategy Of Innovative Development Of Russia (pp. 88-93)

    Full issue 

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