No. 1, 2006
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    No. 1, 2006

    Control in Social and Economic Systems

    Epstein V.L. V.A.Trapeznikov’s Theses in the Context of Postindustrialism Theory (pp. 2-5)

    Abstract. In postindustrial era, the production of material welfare becomes secondary as against knowledge and information. Therefore, to intensify scientific and technological advance, it is critically important to create the industry for digital educational, reference, and scientific literature. This is a good chance for Russia to occupy a fitting place among postindustrial world leaders not only as natural resources supplier but as a manufacturer of intelligent hi-tech products. Against this background, the paper discusses V.A.Trapeznikov’s theses and the key issues of postindustrialism doctrine, and outlines the status quo of present day intelligent resources industry in Russia.

    Zen’kova L.P. Investment Cycles Theory and Transformational Economy of Byelorussia (pp. 6-11)

    Abstract. Cyclic process that take place in post-soviet transformational economy of Byelorussia are described. Capital investments are analyzed on the basis of annual, quarterly, and monthly statistics, and distinctive features of wave processes propagation in investment area and their influence on cyclic waves formation in national production volume dynamics are investigated. Possible variants of specifying GDP dynamics equations and the amount of industrial and non-industrial capital investments are examined. Graphical models were used to explain specific propagation of multiplicative effect of investment into economy distributed in time.

    Sachuk T.V. The Development of Business Strategies for Territory Growth (pp. 12-15)

    Abstract. The features of marketing approach to territory management are discussed. Two types of business strategies: the portfolio and the growth ones, are offered that allow to set and solve strategic problems of socio-economic development of a territory.

    Kolemaev V.A. Investigation of Samuelson–Hicks Model Behavior (pp. 16-19)

    Abstract. Stability and instability regions of Samuelson-Hicks models are investigated. The paper shows the way to expand stability regions by such model transformation where the lag acceleration should be changed to the lead one.

    Rad’ko S.G. Evaluation of Labor Potential of Management Specilaists (pp. 16-25)

    Abstract. The paper presents a method for labor potential formulation that allows to specify the content of work team’s potential and analyze it with any detailing. It provides the directions of labor potential analysis that enables to control its components taking into account both employees’ personalities and corporate targets.

    Information Technologies in Control

    Podlazov V.S., Stetsyura G.G. Regular Flat Networks for Supercomputers (pp. 26-31)

    Abstract. A method of commutable flat networks design for developing low-cost supercomputers of personal computers is proposed.

    Vykhovanets V.S. Separated Parsing (pp. 32-38)

    Abstract. The paper discusses context programming technology based on the development of a specialized language for solving a specific class of applied problems by concept analysis of the object region and the reflection of its conceptual structure in the concepts of the language produced. A separated parsing technique needed for effective implementation of context programming compiler is described.

    Systems Analysis and Data Processing

    Mokrov D.V., Bakhtadze N.N. Soft Sensors in Forwarding Company’s Management Systems: An Experimental Study (pp. 39-43)

    Abstract. Experimental investigation undertaken shows the application efficiency of identification techniques and adaptive inventory control algorithms in the optimization of short-term budgeting and flexible pricing in forwarding and shipping companies. 

    Yakubovskaya N.N., Victorov V.K., Lisitsyn N.V. Transportation System Operation Problem (pp. 44-46)

    Abstract. The problem of transportation system operation is considered. The general problem includes the transportation problem, the problem of minimum path determination on the communication graph, and the assignment problem. The ways to solve the problem are outlined and the appropriate techniques are proposed.

    Control in Industry

    Shlain V., Gleibman A., Vagapov D. Basic Algorithms for an Automatic Faults Detection and Classification System in Microchip Manufacturing Control (pp. 47-53)

    Abstract. Basic approaches to automatic detection and classification of the faults arising in the microchip manufacturing process are considered. A system aimed at microchip manufacturing process improvement is described. Applied image processing and pattern recognition algorithms are discussed along with the algorithms for generating verbal descriptions of the automatically generated fault classes.

    Izosimov D., Ryvkin S., Bayda S.V. Regularization of Components Switching for Multideminsional Discontinuous Control in a Real Sliding Mode (pp. 54-60)

    Abstract. The design of vector algorithms for discontinuous (relay) control in multidimensional systems on the basis of the concepts of instantaneous and average control is considered. Control algorithms are offered characterized by switching regularization of the discontinuous control components due to a special choice of switching surfaces. By an example of current control for a three-phase load fed from a self-commutated voltage inverter, the paper shows that the approach proposed ensures high dynamic performance and accuracy along with minimal switching losses and the compliance with electromagnetic compatibility requirements.

    Control in Medical and Biological Systems

    Bakusov L.M., Ilyasov B.G., Ramazanov M.D., Safin Sh.M. Biological Calculations: General Principles (pp. 61-68)

    Abstract. General principles of calculations organization in human central nervous system subject to natural operational constraints on response speed, memory capacity and the ways of observed values representation are examined. New bioprocesor models are offered based on the proposed methodology of the transition from continuous differential equations to their recursive representation. The analogy between the structures of the obtained bioprocesor models and the parts of human cerebral system are established. 

    Desova A.A., Legovich Yu.S., Razin O.S. Principles of Forming Diagnostically Significant Values of the Features of Pulse Signal’s Rhythmical Structure (pp. 69-75)

    Abstract. Basic approaches to forming diagnostically significant values of the features of radial artery pulse signal’s shape and rhythmical structure are investigated with reference to human organism state diagnostics. The methodology and equipment for informative features formation are described. The results of experimental research aimed at solving a number of diagnostic problems, in particular, radial artery pulse signal’s characteristics data for early stages of infantine arterial hypertension, are included.

    Moving Objects Control

    Kasimov A.M., Mamedli E.M., Chernyavsky L.T., et al. Ensuring Aircraft Control Systems Resistance To External Perturbations (pp. 76-80)

    Abstract. A method for ensuring the resistance of aircraft control systems to external destabilizing impacts by introducing a backup channel based on fluidic devices is proposed. The paper focuses on the development of an algorithm that provides the desirable accuracy of aircraft’s apparent velocity measurement in hard real time.


    Second Russian-Turkish Conference on Mathematical Models for Socio-Economic Progress (pp. 81-82)

    Full issue 

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