No. 2, 2004
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    No. 2, 2004

    General Aspects of Control Theory

    Pranghishvili I.V., Ivanus A.I. System Regilarity of the Golden Section and System Stability and Harmony (pp. 2-8)

    Abstract. The paper shows that if any company, region or country revises the organizational concepts of its development and arranges them according to “golden section” rule, then it will succeed in creating the paths of harmonious and sustainable development. It provides the examples of golden section technology application in business management, for calculating optimal salaries and wages, and in market economies, and discusses its advantages for ensuring stability and harmony of natural and social systems.

    Problem-Oriented Control Systems

    Anisimov P.A., Pozdeeva O.V. Organizational Systems and Knowledge Models (pp. 9-13)

    Abstract. The paper formally defines an organizational system and provides a basic paradigm of its operation and evolution. It further offers a formalized knowledge model and discusses key relationships between organizational system and knowledge models.

    Asratian R.E., Kozlov A.D., Lebedev V.N., Marakanov I.N. A Distributed Integrated Information System for Decision-Making Support (pp. 14-20)

    Abstract. The paper discusses the development problems of corporate automated information systems for decision-making support with the example of regional administration of Russian federal mail service. Based on advanced hard-/software solutions and information technologies, it offers approaches to the development of the systems for collecting, processing and presenting the data used for analysis and operational management of a geographically distributed organization.

    Kuznetsov L.A. Model for Management Agent’s Financial System Dynamics (pp. 21-30)

    Abstract. The paper presents a formal description of enterprise’s financial and economic activity dynamics that enables to combine the existing control theory techniques with actual financial performance data retreived fr om accounting systems. It shows the possibility to develop automated decision-making procedures in process of financial performance management. The financial and economic activity management tasks are interpreted in terms of the known LP techniques.

    Choice Theory and Decision Making

    Rykov A.A., Rykov A.S. A Multicriterion Performance Estimate for Information Systems Under Uncertainty (pp. 31-39)

    Abstract. The problem of multicriterion estimation of information system performance measures is examined. An estimator is offered in the form of a two-level statistical decision model under uncertainty conditions. A classification of decision-maker’s a priori awareness about the environment states is presented. New criteria for selecting the best information system variant are described.

    Control in Social and Economic Systems

    Agheev I.A., Ermoshkin A.I., Tsyganov V.V. The Mechanisms of Technocratic Management of Organization’s Evolution (pp. 40-44)

    Abstract. The paper examines adaptive mechanisms of organization’s evolution management wh ere the center making decisions under uncertainty conditions uses pattern recognition learning procedures based on technocrat expert’s knowledge. It shows that the expert can lead the organization either to progress or regress by taking advantages of his/her position. The targets for synthesizing progressive and regressive technocratic mechanisms are set. Sufficient progress and regress conditions are derived.

    Kononov D.A., Kulba V.V., Shubin A.N. Informational Management in Socio-Economic Systems: Formalized Description of Informational Elements (pp. 45-51)

    Abstract. The development results of a new topical research area – informational management – are presented. The paper studies the original terms and ideas to formalize the key concepts that can underlie the development of behavior scenarios for the elements of social, economical, political and other system types.

    Nizhegorodtsev R.M. Logistic Modeling of Economic Dynamics. Part II (pp. 52-58)

    Abstract. Logistic models for analysis and prediction of macrosystems’ economic dynamics are considered. The paper discusses nonlinear models for short-term goods market planning based on various market rigidity types. It offers a logistic model for pensions provision optimization. A logistic ultrasmall impact model that describes the dynamics of complex systems’ tolerance to slow entropy accumulation factors is substantiated.

    Blachev R.N. Selecting Some Loan Parameters for Investment Projects Implementation (pp. 59-62)

    Abstract. Loan procurement and repayment schemes for investment projects with a fixed loan value are considered. The recommendations are made on loan repayment schemes dependent on the relationship between overall project profitability and crediting rates.

    Information Technologies in Control

    Zhevnerov V.A. Application of Balance Equations in Stochastic Network Description Problems (pp. 63-65)

    Abstract. The paper offers balance equations for quantitative description of overall network performance. It describes the structure of the mathematical tool and adduces an example illustrating its effectiveness.

    Stepanov M.F. Neuron Networks for Planning the Solution of Automatic Control Theory Problems (pp. 66-71)

    Abstract. The paper shows the opportunity of solving the problems of automatic control system analysis and synthesis with the help of artificial planning neuron networks. Such networks can be generated automatically based on the axiomatic theory of automatic solutions of the formalized control theory problems. The paper is illustrated with an example of synthesis and analysis of an automatic control system with specified characteristics.


    V.A.Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences Is 65 (pp. 72-78)

    V.Yu. Rutkovsky (to the 75-Th anniversary) (p. 79)

    Full issue 

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