Sergeev, V.A. Design of Integrated Rating Mechanisms Based on Separating Decomposition (pp. 2-10)
Control in Social and Economic Systems
Gusev, V.B. A Strategic Management Model for Restructuring the Technological Core of an Economy (pp. 11-20)
Sviyazov, V.A. Fuzzy Volatility Models with Application to the Russian Stock Market (pp. 21-28)
Control of Complex Technological Processes and Productions
Rabotnikov, M.A., Stafeichuk, B.G., and Shumikhin, A.G. Estimating Industrial Process Stability by Whitney's Singularity Theory When Choosing a Sufficient Time-Sampling Frequency of the Control Signal (pp. 29-34)
Control of Moving Objects and Navigation
Alchinov, A.I., Gorokhovsky, I.N. Analysis of Stress Exposures on Autonomous Navigation Conditions in Search Correlation-Extreme Navigation Systems (pp. 35-48)
15th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD’2022) (pp. 49-53)
Full issue (PDF)
Published December 30, 2022