15th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development
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    15th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development

    15th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development

    Abstract. The 15th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD’2022) was held on September 26–28, 2022, by Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, with the support of the IEEE Russia Section. MLSD’2022 aimed to cover big data management issues, including big data use in various areas of management, as well as the standardization of methods, models, and tools for big data processing. The main theme of the conference was theoretical foundations for the strategic management of large-scale system development in the context of national security. The MLSD’2022 program included 18 plenary papers and 199 sectional papers of leading experts from 30 cities of Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, the USA, and Russia. Amongst them, 155 papers were selected, extended, and published electronically in IEEE Xplore.

    Keywords: conference, large-scale systems, big data, national security.

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    Tsvirkun, A.D., Stepanovskaya, I.A., 15th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD’2022). Control Sciences 6, 49–53 (2022). http://doi.org/10.25728/cs.2022.6.6

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