No. 4, 2009
Analysis and Design of Control Systems
A.G. Alexandrov, Yu.F. Orlov Finite-Frequency Identification : Dynamical Algorithm (pp. 2-8)
Abstract. New algorithm of the finite –frequency identification of linear stable plant when the external disturbance is an unknown-but-bounded function is proposed. It allows to enhance identification accuracy. The algorithm convergence is proved.
Keywords: identification, linear system, frequency approach, unknown-but-bounded disturbance.
V.P. Zhukov Sufficient Roughness Conditions of Non-Autonomous Nonlinear Dynamic System in the Sense of Stability Type Conservation (pp. 9-14)
Abstract. The conditions under which the stability type of the equilibrium state of a Lyapunov-type random-order non-autonomous nonlinear dynamic system would not change under any relatively small linear or nonlinear perturbances of its right-hand member (roughness in the sense of stability type conservation) are considered. Nonlinear components of right-hand members of unperturbated system and nonlinear perturbances of those right-hand members are considered to belong to a wide class of nonlinear functions depending in general case not only on the phase variable but also on tome. This class contains both analytic functions and various types of nonanalytic functions. Sufficient roughness conditions are derived.
Keywords: nonlinear dynamic system, roughness, stability type.
I.A. Hodashinsky Identification of Fuzzy Systems: Methods and Algorithms (pp. 15-23)
Abstract. In paper, three basic phases of fuzzy systems construction are considered: expert evaluation, structure identification, parameter estimation. Expert evaluation includes the decision of the following tasks: selection of fuzzy model type; a choice of t-normal functions for the task of fuzzy logic operations; a choice of a fuzzy logic inference. For structure identification it is offered to use two methods: fuzzy clustering method, and iterative algorithm. For parameters optimization the following methods are chosen: genetic algorithm, ant colony algorithm, particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing.
Keywords: fuzzy system identification, metaheuristics, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, ant colony algorithm, particle swarm techniques.
Control in Social and Economic Systems
T.V. Zolotova Corporate Model of the Coordination of Interests on View of Ecological Factors (pp. 24-31)
Abstract. In present article the model of management by branch corporation with restriction on scarce and is presented to natural resources. The given model describes a two-level hierarchical control system. The Positive effect of activity of corporation the ideal coordination of interests of its participants (the operating company, the enterprises) is considered. Variants of model are considered: with additional restriction on an admissible level of pollution of an environment, quotas, with system of penalties for excess of an admissible level of pollution.
Keywords: corporation, an ideal coordination, maximization of profit, the settlement prices, tariffs on scarce and natural resources, quotas, the penalty.
P.A. Mikhnenko Optimization of Economic Organization Adaptation to Environment Changes (pp. 32-38)
Abstract. Adaptation to changing external factors is a condition of successful work of any modern economic organization. In feedback organization systems the intensity of organizational transformations depend on statistic characteristics of the environment factors and intensity of information uncertainty. Increase of uncertainty of environment involves the necessity of decrease of transformations intensity or implementation of strategy of anticipatory adaptation.
Keywords: economic organization, adaptation, uncertainty, mathematical model, stochastic characteristics, intensity of transformations.
I.V. Dyomkin, D.V. Pertsev Evaluation Procedure of an Innovative Projects Portfolio Integrated Risk. Part 2. Methodical Features of an Estimation of the Integrated Risk of a Portfolio of Innovative Projects (pp. 39-45)
Abstract. Basing upon preconditions, studied in the first part of the paper, authors offer the original approach to solve the problem of the integrated risk estimation. Moreover, researchers propose new method of the project portfolio integrated risk estimation with allowance for effects of a synergy and cannibalization.
Keywords: portfolio, innovative project, model, synergy, cannibalization, risk
Moving Objects Control
A.Ya. Andrienko, G.P. Losev, E.I. Tropova Improvement of Operation Algorithms of Flow-Measuring Contours of a Launch Vehicle Control System (pp. 46-51)
Abstract. The paper gives recommendations on perfection of operation algorithms of flow-measuring contours of a propellant-consumption control system of the launch vehicle «Sojuz-2», providing suppression of residual occurrences of self-oscillations in operation of these contours.
Keywords: self-oscillations, fuel consumption control system
Information Technologies in Control
Dorri M.Kh., Roschin A.A. The Software Tool RDS (Research of Dynamic Systems) for Simulation and Development of Control Systems (pp. 52-57)
Abstract. The features of Software Tool RDS (Research of Dynamic Systems) are considered. It simplifies the task of the development of the research desks that are used for Simulation and Design control systems for Multi-Purpose Objects. RDS helps to synthesize algorithms of control and investigates the interaction between subsystems during dynamic processes.
Keywords: software tool, simulation, algorithms of control.
Nikolaychuk O.A. Modelling of Knowledge for Research of Unique Object Technical State Dynamics (pp. 58-65)
Abstract. The models of knowledge representation are developed and the further application of these models for solution of problems of genesis, forecasting and decision-making during the process of investigation of unique objects technical state dynamics is shown. As a result of a combination of case, production, and mathematical approaches, the hybrid model of knowledge representation, developed with an allowance for restrictions imposed by problem and subject areas is achieved. The algorithm of knowledge processing which uses the given hybrid representation is offered.
Keywords: models of knowledge representation, precedent, production, knowledge processing, unique mechanical system.
A.A. Saakian Investigation of Quality Measures for Speech Recognition Systems (pp. 66-73)
Abstract. This article considers the problem of selection appropriate quality measures for characterizing efficiency of complex system that is investigated experimentally. The article considers one kind of such systems – speech recognition systems and suggests requirements for quality measures for speech systems. Also the article describes the principles of experimental investigation of quality measures and the results of experiments that allow to sel ect the best quality measure fr om the given set.
Keywords: speech recognition; recognition algorithm; quality coefficient; quality measurement.
Agaronyan O.S. Hierarchical Adaptive Image Segmentation (pp. 74-79)
Abstract. The problem of the hierarchical segmentation of an image based on irregular pyramid is considered. An adaptive approach using Voronoi diagram and Delaunay graph is proposed for image modeling. To derive many segmentations at different resolutions an iterative procedure is presented.
Keywords: hierarchical image model, irregular pyramid, image segmentation, mosaic tessellation, Voronoi diagram, Delaunay graph.