Antipov, A.S. and Krasnov, D.V. Tracking System Design for a Single-Link Sensorless Manipulator under Nonsmooth Disturbances (pp. 2-12)
Control in Social and Economic Systems
Moskvichev, V.V., Postnikova, U.S., and Taseiko, O.V. Management of Technogenic Safety Based on a Risk–Oriented Approach (pp. 13-23)
Ougolnitsky, G.A. An Approach to Compare Organization Modes of Active Agents and Control Methods (pp. 24-33)
Information Technology in Control
Promyslov, V.G., Semenkov, K.V. Mengazetdinov, N.E. Assessment of Operator Authentication Methods in Industrial Control Systems (pp. 34-45)
Stetsyura, G.G. The Simultaneous Start of Actions in a Distributed Group of Automatic Devices: A Decentralized Control Method with a Signal Repeater (pp. 46-54)
Full issue (PDF)
Published August 5, 2022