An Approach to Compare Organization Modes of Active Agents and Control Methods
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    An Approach to Compare Organization Modes of Active Agents and Control Methods

    Ougolnitsky, G.A. An Approach to Compare Organization Modes of Active Agents and Control Methods

    Abstract. When interacting, active agents can behave independently, cooperate, or be connected by hierarchical relations. In turn, hierarchical impact may be exerted by administrative or economic methods with or without feedback. We systematically describe these organizational modes and control methods based on game-theoretic models with different information structures without considering uncertainty. It seems crucial to compare quantitatively the payoffs of individual agents and the whole set of them (social welfare) under these organizational modes and control methods. We propose a methodology for building the systems of social and private preferences in normal-form games and shares in the allocation of cooperative payoff. A system of relative efficiency indices is developed for detailed quantitative assessment. The proposed methodology is illustrated by several Cournot oligopoly models.

    Keywords: inefficiency of equilibria, methods of control and resource allocation, organizational modes for active agents.

    Cite this paper

    Ougolnitsky, G.A. An Approach to Compare Organizational Modes of Active Agents and Control Methods. Control Sciences 3, 24–33 (2022).

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