No. 2, 2015
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    No. 2, 2015


    A.R. Kadyrova Employee Turnover: Review of the Problem. Part 1. Economic and Mathematical Models of Top Management Turnover (pp. 2-12)

    Abstract. The paper presents a literature review on employee turnover. Analysis of 26 papers allowed to present various models revealing, firstly, reasons for turnover, and, secondly, consequences of turnover. The unequal distribution of the researches on turnover with the shift to Europe and the US is highlighted. The features that distinguish the turnover among different countries, industries and companies types are mentioned. Finally, the conclusions on the perspectives of the research domain development and possible ways of future researches are made.

    Keywords: employees turnover, top-management turnover.

    Mathematical Problems of Control

    A.B. Rahimov Solution of Optimal Control Problems under Piecewise Constant, Piecewise Linear, and Piecewise Given on a Class of Functions Control Actions (pp. 13-23)

    Abstract. Optimal control problems for objects described by ordinary differential equations system on the classes of piecewise constant, piecewise linear, and piecewise given control functions are considered. Both the piecewise constant values of the coefficients participating in the expression of controls as well as the boundaries of constancy intervals of these values are optimized. Analytic formulas for the gradient of the functional on the optimized parameters are obtained. These formulas allow using efficient first order optimization methods to solve the problems numerically. Results of numerical experiments are given.

    Keywords: control problem, gradient of functional, concentrated parameters system, maximum principle, piecewise constant control, piecewise linear control, piecewise given control, constancy interval of control.  

    Systems Analysis

    Abstract. The paper considers methods for derivation of the recurrent relations of additive sequences for periodic functions. The promising algorithm of derivation of recurrence relations for recovery of additive sequences of periodic functions, as well as for more complex sequences of a class of periodic functions is proposed.

    Keywords: time series, periodic function, recurrence relation, Z transformation.

    Moving Objects Control and Navigation

    T.G. Abramyants, A.A. Galyaev E.P. Maslov, I.M. Rudko and V.P. Yakhno Mobile Object Evasion from Detection by a System of Heterogeneous Observers in Threat Environment (pp. 31-37)

    Abstract. Formalization and solution of the problem of a mobile object evasion from detection by a system of stationary heterogeneous observers are proposed. Observers detect the object using signals of primary (passive rejme) and reradiated secondary (active rejme) fields.

    Keywords: detection of a modile object; system of heterogeneous observers; optimal evasion control law.

    V.O. Korepanov, D.A. Novikov Models of Strategic Behavior in the Diffuse Bomb Problem (pp. 38-44)

    Abstract. The diffuse bomb problem – as an extension of the Group Path Planning Problem in the threat environment  is considered within the game-theoretic framework with an active defending subject.

    Keywords: the diffuse bomb problem, strategic behavior, reflection, strategic levels game (games of rank).

    S.G. Bazhenov, N.A. Egorov, E.L. Kulida, V.G. Lebedev Control of Trajectory and Speed of the Aircraft When Landing in Rough Terrain (pp. 45-51)

    Abstract. The paper presents the algorithm for generating the set of conflict-free trajectories of relief obstacles fly-around from an arbitrary initial position in the specified synchronization point with the aircraft in front. The algorithm of calculating the speed of motion along the generated trajectory that provides the performance of the specified norms of longitudinal separation in the synchronization point is presented.

    Keywords: flight safety, terrain, conflict-free trajectory, synchronization point of flights, longitudinal separation.

    Control in Social and Economic Systems

    Abstract. The paper presents the control theory analysis of Russian people health public administration. It substantiates the necessity to expand this activity by including a direct health control process in a context of State-Society partnership in order to maximize possible level of individual health and citizen’s responsibility for the outcome.

    Keywords: health phenomenon, quality of life, health control process.

    Abstract. The paper proposes the improved model of the matrix balance of company, constructed on the basis of data of modular balance using the distribution plan by the method of «north–west corner» (Dantzig’s application of the Simplex Method to a Transportation Problem). The new effective, obvious, and accurate methods for express evaluation of various absolute indicators of financial condition of the company are developed on the basis of the model of matrix balance. These methods allow to save time, reduce volume of information, and increase the quantity and quality of the output indicators for decision–making.

    Keywords: matrix balance, modular balance of company, distribution plan, the method of «north–west corner» for express evaluation of the company financial condition.

    Information Technologies in Control

    A.V. Edelev, S.M. Senderov, N.L. Pyatkova The Use of Geographic Information Technologies for Energy Security Problems Research (pp. 68-74) 

    Abstract. The paper describes the use of geographic information system to address the range of issues that arise in the analysis of results of simulation of long-term development of the fuel and energy complex. The feature of visual assessment of a country energy sector condition at a certain moment of time on the basis of a set of maps associated with the energy systems which are the parts of fuel and energy complex is demonstrated. The principles o f displaying the Energy system as an energy resource distribution network are proposed . The software for comprehensive analysis of the structure and interregional relations between energy sectors in various scenarios with regard to the requirements of energy security and environmental constraints is developed.

    Keywords: energy security, software, fuel and energy complex , model, geographic information system.


    XXII International Conference «Complex Systems Safety Control Problems» (pp. 75-79)

    Full issue

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