No. 1, 2003
General Aspects of Control Theory
Pranghishvili I.V. System Approach, System Thought and Entropization of Fundamental Knowledge (pp. 3-7)
Abstract. The paper considers various aspects of systemology, discusses the features of system thought and analyzes the principles of entropization of scientific knowledge. Basic statements are illustrated with examples.
Butkovsky A.G. On the Unified Geomrtrical Theory of Control (pp. 8-12)
Abstract. The paper presents in a very condensed form some basic ideas of the program for creating the Unified Geometrical Theory of Control.
Information Technologies in Control
Trachtenhertz E.A. Computer-Aided Management Decision-Making Support Systems (pp. 13-28)
Abstract. The paper formulates the tasks for computer-aided decision-making support systems and considers the factors that affect the capabilities of such systems and the difficulties that emerge during their implementation and application. It also discusses the techniques of computer-aided situation analysis, computer-based generation and evaluation of possible solutions, simulation of the taken decisions and computer-aided support of team decision agreement. The capabilities of such systems are also demonstrated.
Epstein V.L. Anthropocentric Informational Interaction: Terminology Issues (pp. 28-33)
Abstract. The paper discusses the concepts and the corresponding terms: Anthropocentric informational interaction, Knowledge, Information, Informational object, Knowledge granule, Anthropocentric database.
Large-Scale Systems Development
Tsvirkun A.D. Management Of Large-Scale System Development in New Conditions (pp. 34-43)
Abstract. The paper discusses planning and modeling features of developing large-scale systems and building a complex of interconnected models on the basis of project–programmable and aggregate-decomposition approaches. It examines complex problems of large-scale system development management and describes the tools for investment project feasibility studies and the EU INVEST software system.
Pashchenko F.F. Innovative Centers and Technopark Structures (pp. 44-52)
Abstract. The programs of sustainable development facing the interests of present and future generations fr om the social, economical and environmental viewpoints are becoming increasingly important in the governmental policy of the most of developed countries. The paper presents the methodology of creating Technopark structures aimed at providing social and economic self-development of regions on the basis of utilizing their internal potential and combining the interests of the regions and the center. The Technopolices Program presents a new method of federal/regional development.
Organizational Structures Management
Kara-Murza S.G. Scientific Policy in the New Stage of Reform in Russian Federation (pp. 53-61)
Abstract. Specific functions of national science in crisis conditions are discussed. The paper argues that the very doctrine of reforming the Soviet science was derived from false assumptions. This doctrine based on erroneous conceptions of state, science, and private capital interactions conduced to the deep erosion of the national scientific potential. For blocking this process, a goal-oriented government program with sharply defined objectives, indicators and criteria is necessary.
Information Security
Kul’ba V.V., Malyughin V.D., Shubin A.N. Informative Control: Premises, Techniques and Tools (pp. 62-67)
Abstract. In the broad sense, informative control is mechanism wh ere the control actions are of implicit, indirect nature and the information provided to the control object looks like an informative picture used by the object to work out an allegedly autonomous line of behavior. Informative control exists for a long time, but until recently it remained ancillary and insignificant as compared with other control techniques. In the second half of the XX century, the role of informative control began its dramatic growth. Against this background, the paper discusses the causes of this phenomenon.
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