No. 6, 2007
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    No. 6, 2007

    Control in Social and Economic Systems

    Time I.V, Anuahsvili N.A. Pricing Models Under Depreciation Profitability Constraints and Market Monopolization (pp. 2-9)

    Abstract. From the control theory viewpoint, the paper examines the qualitative effects of pricing mechanism in market economy under market monopolization conditions. The investigation is based on potential demand curve for the chosen goods and services in the region of monopolist structure affection. The paper shows what qualitative effects may ensue from taking specific control actions altering the demand curve. It addresses the needs of mid level managers not aware of economy analysts’ toolkits.

    Dranko O.I., Lunyakova S.V. An Optimization Model of Individual’s Long-Term Activity (pp. 10-14)

    Abstract. The paper attempts to project enterprise optimization models on the activity of human individual which is proposed to be considered as a “single working unit”. The developed optimization model for various target criteria shows unitary control switch modes similar to enterprise control modes and complies with key personnel motivation models.

    Bakhtadze N.N, Valiakhmetov R.T. Application of Associative Search Models for Prediction in Trading Tasks (pp. 15-20)

    Abstract. An approach to short-term stock market forecasting based on virtual models and associative search algorithms application is discussed.

    Barladian I.I., Kuznetsov A.V., Mandel’ A.S. The Analysis of Critical Parameter Values and the Modeling of a Controlled Queuing System (pp. 21-25)

    Abstract. An optimal control model for selecting the number of service devices in a multiserver queuing system is considered. Based on qualitative analysis, the essential characteristic system variables are selected. The model is implemented in MATLAB 7.0. The simulation results are included, critical values of queuing system’s parameters are determined, and its most typical operation modes are described.

    Yuditsky S.A., Muradian I.A., Zheltova L.V. Modeling the Evolution Dynamics of Organizational System Configurations Based on Petri Nets and Incremental Graphs (pp. 26-34)

    Abstract. A methodology for analyzing the evolution paths of complex organizational systems is proposed. The methodology reflects various aspects of the modeled system operation. The dynamics of targeting (target structure), process operations implementation (operating structure), of system operation factors interference (factor structure) and their interrelations are investigated. Formal toolkits based on Petri nets and incremental graphs were applied for the analysis.

    Atroshchenko P.V., Yusupova N.I. On an Approach to Risk Forecasting in Leasing Activities (pp. 35-40)

    Abstract. An approach to risk forecasting in leasing activities based on bayesian decision-making theory is offered. Key risk factors affecting the leasing deal are analyzed. The paper shows that the Bayes decision rule is optimal in terms of minimum financial losses subject to cost-effectiveness criterion.

    Lagunova V.A. Strategic Potential of a Company and Its Evaluation (pp. 40-44)

    Abstract. The problems of forming a new mechanism for strategic potential evaluation with the purpose of development strategy selection are discussed. The strategic potential evaluation methodology is presented. The paper proposes to form the strategy by improving the key capabilities, related competences and resources by using the strategies of both internal (personnel, product development, capital attraction, etc.) and external (strategic alliances, mergers and takeovers, partnerships) development.

    Control of Complex Technological Processes

    Abstract. Mathematical aspects of the problem of rational producing and injective wells location on oil fields are investigated. Discrete optimization algorithms were used to solve the problem. The results of hydrodynamic and geological productive reservoir simulation were chosen as initial information. The procedures are proposed allowing for the heuristic rules of rational well location recognized in reservoir engineering practice.

    Belyaev A.A., Kotov S.S., Stolbov V.Yu. A Model of Enterprise Resources Management at Discrete Manufacturing (pp. 50-56)

    Abstract. An approximate solution algorithm based on constraint propagation technique is proposed for resource allocation problem. The algorithm application is illustrated with an example; the comparison with other known techniques is included.

    Zhirnov V.I., Fedoseev S.A., Agarkov A.I. An Order Management Model in the Enterprise Information System (pp. 57-63)

    Abstract. An order management model is considered as a management system’s element at the strategic level of production planning. The two-criterial fuzzy discrete optimization problem is proposed as model. An order management example adduced demonstrates the model’s potentialities.

    Analysis and Design of Control Systems

    Abramov O.V., Katuyeva Ya.V., Nazarov D.A. Optimal Parametric Synthesis with Respect to Working Capacity Criterion (pp. 64-69)

    Abstract. The problem of analog engineering system synthesis with regard to system’s parameters deviations from design values is considered. The paper shows that with the lack of information on patterns and characteristics of these deviations, the best solution to the parametric synthesis problem can be obtained by taking “working capacity margin” as an objective function. Parallel algorithms for solving multivariant analysis and optimization problems are discussed.

    Moving Objects Control

    Abstract. The paper examines the process of computation errors accumulation in the integration of modes and envelopes equations in the approximate model of a big space structure motion. The equations describing these errors as functions of the integration steps number and step size under an arbitrary control law. Digital simulation is applied for investigating the errors change dynamics for a specific object, and the recommendations on integration step selection ensuring admissible error values are made.


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