Yurchenkov, A.V. An Anisotropy-Based Boundedness Criterion for Time-Invariant Systems with Multiplicative Noises (pp. 13-20)
Control in Social and Economic Systems
Gorbaneva, O.I., Murzin, A.D., and Ougolnitsky, G.А. A Mathematical Formulation of Control Problems on Cognitive Models (pp. 21-33)
Information Technology in Control
Kulinich, A.A. Application of Semiotic Models to Decision-Making (pp. 34-50)
Tolok, A.V. and Tolok, N.B. Differentiation and Integration in Functional Voxel Modeling (pp. 51-57)
Erratum to: The Simultaneous Start of Actions in a Distributed Group of Automatic Devices: A Decentralized Control Method with a Signal Repeater (p. 58)
Full issue (PDF)
Published December 14, 2022