Designing an Adaptive Stabilizing System for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
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    Designing an Adaptive Stabilizing System for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

    Pervushina, N.A. and Frolova, A.D. Designing an Adaptive Stabilizing System for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

    Abstract. This paper presents a mathematical model of an efficient adaptive stabilizing system in the pitch channel of an unmanned aerial vehicle. The model is described by a functional block diagram and is based on a correction method proposed for onboard computers. Some structural modifications are suggested for the correction loop to improve the performance of the stabilizing system of the nonlinear dynamic item under control mode switching. The operation of the stabilizing system is simulated with the tuned parameters of the correction loop under fixed gains of the main loop. The new structure of the correction loop in the stabilizing system demonstrates high efficiency in the operation modes of the vehicle. Due to the proposed design procedure, the stabilizing system with the new structure of the correction loop is constructed several times faster compared with the classical method of fixed factors. 

    Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, pitch channel, stabilizing system, mathematical modeling, design, the efficiency of a stabilizing system.

    Cite this paper
    Pervushina, N.A. and Frolova, A.D., Designing an Adaptive Stabilizing System for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Control Sciences 5, 2–12 (2022).

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