No. 3.1, 2009
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    No. 3.1, 2009

    Control Systems Theory

    Abstract. The history of automatic control research in the Institute for Control Science from its establishment to the present day is considered. The prominent scientists of the Institute which have made a considerable contribution in development of control theory are mentioned. Modern research directions are briefly addressed.
    Keywords: automatic regulation, control theory, linear systems, nonlinear systems, discrete–time systems, relay systems, optimal control, adaptive control, robustness.
    Theory of Control in Social and Economic and Organization Structures

    Abstract. The history and perspectives of development of complex organized data structure-ranging analysis methodology – a swiftly developing scientific branch both in Russia and abroad, which emerged from the statistical methods of data processing and pattern recognition methods – are examined. Both theoretical and applied results drawn in this scientific field are described.
    Keywords: expert-ranging analysis; automatic classification; optimal parameters grouping; piecewise complicated dependence approximation; hierarchical and combined piecewise approximation; collective conflict-free, structural-hierarchical and correspondence expertise.
    Burkov V.N., Novikov D.A. Active Systems Theory (History of Development) (pp. 29-35)
    Abstract. The development and modern state of the active systems theory – the branch of control theory, taking into consideration the human factor in essential degree, is described. The main results and scientific groups are presented. Keywords: active system, mechanisms of staff and structure management; institutional, motivational, and informational management.
    Technical Meand in Automation and Computing Equipment

    Abstract. The article is devoted to retrospective analysis of research of Institute of Control Sciences in technical means and automation systems development area from 1939 to 2009. The scientists who made a valuable contribution to the area of focus are mentioned. The main attention is drawn to the results of the last decade. We analyze scientific and technical potential of the staff of the laboratories united in the technical means and automation systems’ area.
    Keywords: elements, facilities, technical means, automation, control systems, logical control, technical diagnostics, reliability.
    Complex Technological Processes Control Systems

    Bahtadze N.N., Lototsky V.A. Contemporary Methods of Production Process Control (pp. 56-63)
    Abstract. A number of control problems at different levels of production process are presented. Identification algorithms of technological processes based on the construction of virtual models using functional archives and knowledge base are proposed. An associative search procedure for the construction of virtual models is produced.
    Keywords: identification of technological processes, knowledge base, associative search models, soft sensors.
    Theory and Methods of Control Systems Software Development

    Abstract. In The RAS Institute Of Control Sciences The results obtained at Institute of Control Sciences in the field of intellectualization of control systems are considered. The main attention is given to the methods of decision-making support in ill-structured situations based on cognitive maps. The linear and fuzzy cognitive models are described; analysis of problems for ill-structured situations on the basis of these models are formulated; short characteristics of methods of their solution and the program technologies developed on the basis of these methods are given.
    Keywords: decision-making support, ill-structured situations, linear cognitive maps, fuzzy cognitive maps, intellectual technology.
    Computerized Systems for Organizational Management and Data Processing

    Abstract. Retrospective analysis of theoretical and applied problems and tasks which connected with designing modular computerized management systems for social-economic and organizational institutions is presented. These problems and tasks have been elaborated in Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences) during the last forty years.
    Keywords: analysis, synthesis, structure, modularity, real time, information management systems, data base, scenario approach, emergency situation, computerized designing.
    Moving Objects Control

    Rutkovsky V. Yu. The Control of Spacecrafs and Aeroplanes (pp. 87-93)
    Abstract. Some fundamental results that have been drawn in the Institute of Control Sciences of RAS related to the theory and control systems for spacecrafts and airplanes are presented.
    Keywords: control system, liquid-propellant rocket engine, artificial earth satellite, flexible spacecraft, rocket, airplane, image processing.
    Dorry M.Ch. Automation Control of Marine Vessels (pp. 94-102)
    Abstract. The stages of development of the automation for the ship control systems are considered. The role of the Institute of Control Sciences of RAS in solving the basic problems of automation of marine vessels has been reflected.
    Keywords: automation, control systems, marine vessels.
    Abstract. The basic results of research aimed at solution of the theoretical, methodical and practical problems connected with creation of perspective control systems for maritime mobile vehicles, increase of safety of control for the objects of the given class and development of modern training systems for training of operators of posts for these objects are presented.
    Keywords: maritime mobile vehicles, control systems, computer technology, algorithms, simulation systems, training systems.

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