No. 3, 2004
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    No. 3, 2004


    Kudinov Yu.I., Dorokhov I.N., Pashchenko F.F. Fuzzy Controllers and Control Systems (pp. 2-14)

    Abstract. Analysis, synthesis and classification problems of fuzzy controllers and control systems are discussed. The publications on fuzzy controllers are analyzed with the focus on logic-linguistic and taught controllers and control systems. A fuzzy difference TS-model, which describes dynamic objects and fuzzy controllers, is considered. The application of Lyapunov techniques for fuzzy systems stability estimation and fuzzy controller synthesis is shown. System structure and teaching techniques for fuzzy control systems with neuro-fuzzy TS plant and controller models are presented. Fuzzy and statistical controllers and control systems are compared.

    Systems Analysis and Data Processing

    Grebenyuk E.A. Nonstationary Process Monitoring: Analysis and Investigation of Steady State Changes (pp. 15-20)

    Abstract. The algorithm of on-line steady state change detection is offered, which detects the switches fr om nonstationary process to stationary and vice versa. The analysis of process properties influence on cointegration relationships is undertaken.

    Rykov A.S., Iskhodjanov R.R. Multi-Objective Investment Portfolio Optimization. The Deterministic Case (pp. 21-24)

    Abstract. The paper offers a method for solving a multi-objective constrained optimization problem of resource allocation that takes place in investment portfolio management. The method belongs to the deformed configuration methods class. Some problems of the method application are also considered.

    Control in Social and Economic Systems

    Kononov D.A., Kulba V.V., Shubin A.N. Informational Management in Socio-Economic Systems: Control Elements and the Ways of Informational Influence (pp. 35-33)

    Abstract. The development results of a topical branch of research – informational management – are submitted. The paper provides the structural analysis of a socio-economic system and describes the mechanisms and ways of informational management.

    Agheev I.A., Gurlev I.V., Tsyganov V.V. Corporation Manipulating Mechanisms (pp. 34-38)

    Abstract. Conditions for progressiveness and optimality of corporation evolution management mechanisms with the self-learning of classification in stochastic environment are found. The analysis of the manipulation mechanisms used in process of technocratic management of organization’s evolution is undertaken. Two types of manipulation are considered The first type manipulation effects the emotions of the interested person (Pupil), while the second type employs quantitative indices and the rationality of the self-learning interested person (Scientist). The paper shows that there exists such manipulation, under which the corporative mechanism becomes regressive.

    Control of Complex Technological Processes

    Ivashkin Yu.A. Structural and Parametric Identification of Abnormal Situations in Complex Process Systems (pp. 39-43)

    Abstract. The paper discusses the matrix models of structurally complex situations in large systems interaction and the algorithms for their identification and forecasting.

    Lebedev V.G. Design Concepts of Intelligent User Interface for Operator Support Systems (pp. 43-47)

    Abstract. High-level architecture of an intelligent operator interface for controlling a complex hard-/software system is considered as well as the functionality of its key modules.

    Reliability and Technical Diagnostics

    Vedeshenkov V.A. System-Level Self-Diagnosis of Arising Faults and Their Elimination in Reconfigurable Systems (pp. 48-61)

    Abstract. The paper offers a system-level method for self-diagnosis (SD) and elimination of arising faults of the components (modules and communication lines) of reconfigurable systems. The method assumes stable multiple faults of a limited number of components wh ere a single fault may arise during the SD process. In order to detect such faults and to provide the correct diagnosis, the SD process is started two or more times, and the last two diagnoses are compared. The moving redundancy technique is used to eliminate the failed components by on-line reconfiguration. A case study of the SD method implementation for a single fault during the SD process and the reconfiguring of a 2-fault-tolerant system is also included.

    Moving Objects Control

    Mikrin E.A., Sukhanov N.A., Platonov V.N., et al. Design Concepts of Onboard Control Complexes for Automatic Spacecrafts (pp. 62-66)

    Abstract. The paper expounds an approach to onboard control complexes (OCC) design for automatic spacecrafts, and describes key OCC components and their tasks. It presents the structure of software, which is the key element in OCC integration. Finally, the OCC performance of Yamal telecommunication spacecrafts operated at geostationary orbit is considered.

    Information Technologies in Control

    Vykhovanets V.S., Malyughin V.D. Multiplicative Algebra and Its Application in Logical Data Processing (pp. 67-77)

    Abstract. The paper examines the problem of formulae synthesis for discrete functions based on multi-stage (decision making) and spectral decompositions carried out in multiplicative algebra. It shows the relationship between the synthesis of multiplicative forms and the generic problem of formulae synthesis, and makes practical recommendations on hardware and software implementation of the formulae obtained.

    Stetsyura G.G. Hard Realtime Operation of Local Grid Systems (pp. 78-82)

    Abstract. The application of grouped operations and data transfer/handling overlapping in local GRIDs is considered. This enables "hard realtime" tasks on such GRIDs.


    E.A. Fedosov (to the 75-th anniversary) (pp. 86-87)

    Full issue 

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