Problems of Managing the Fire Safety System of a Facility. Part II: Monitoring Methods
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    Problems of Managing the Fire Safety System of a Facility. Part II: Monitoring Methods

    Shikhalev, D.V. Problems of Managing the Fire Safety System of a Facility. Part II: Monitoring Methods

    Abstract. This paper overviews fire safety monitoring methods for a facility and state assessment methods for socio-economic systems used in fire safety. As discovered, none of the existing fire safety monitoring systems has a decision support procedure for adjusting a parameter (or several parameters) deviating from a given range. The majority of fire safety monitoring systems only assess the state of fire protection systems and transmit information on their triggering to the operational services. Thus, fire safety monitoring is simplified to assessing the state of fire automation systems, which cannot objectively reflect the fire safety state of the facility. As established, the integrated rating procedure is a most developed tool for assessing the state of a complex socio-economic system. This procedure is widespread in the theory of active systems. Its application to fire safety assessment is described. The existing contradictions in the management of fire safety systems are revealed, and some ways to resolve them are presented.

    Keywords: fire safety, management, assessment of the facility’s state, fire safety system, monitoring.

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    Cite this paper

    Shikhalev, D.V. Problems of Managing the Fire Safety System of a Facility. Part II: Monitoring Methods. Control Sciences 2, 2–8 (2022).

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