Control Sciences No. 3, 2024
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    Control Sciences No. 3, 2024


    Kulida, E. L. and Lebedev, V. G. Modern Approaches to Prognostics and Health Management of an Aircraft Electromechanical Actuator (pp. 2-15)

    Control in Social and Economic Systems

    Beketov, S. M., Pospelov, K. N.  and Redko, S. G. A Human Capital Simulation Model in Innovation Projects (pp. 16-25)

    Gusev, V. B. A Combined Management Model for Restructuring a Reproduction System (pp. 26-34)

    Information Technology in Control

    Gubanov, D. A., Kuznetsov, O. P., Kurako, E. A.,  Lemtyuzhnikova, D.V., Novikov, D.A., and Chkhartishvili, A.G. ISAND: An Information System for Scientific Activity Analysis (in the Field of Control Theory and Its Applications) (pp. 35-55)

    Control of Moving Objects and Navigation

    Makarov, M. I. A Local Path Planning Algorithm for Avoiding Obstacles in the Frenet Frame (pp. 56-61)

    Full issue (PDF)

    Published July 11, 2024

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