Problems of Managing the Fire Safety System of a Facility. Part I: Assessment Methods
Shikhalev, D.V. Problems of Managing the Fire Safety System of a Facility. Part I: Assessment Methods
Abstract. The scope and capabilities of managing the fire safety system of a facility from the position of its representative (head) are overviewed. Part I of the survey is devoted to the general problem statement and methods to assess the fire safety of a facility and the safety of people inside a building. As shown, fires and deaths of people testify to certain problems either in the facility’s fire safety system or in the management of such a system. The existing methods for assessing the fire safety of a facility cannot be applied by its head: they require deep knowledge of the subject matter as well as the corresponding qualifications and tools (computer programs). In the current situation, the head (decision-maker) has no formalized objective assessment of the fire safety of his organization at a particular time, which significantly complicates (or even disables) rational decision-making.
Keywords: fire safety, management, facility assessment, fire safety system, fire risk.
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Shikhalev, D.V. Problems of Managing the Fire Safety System of a Facility. Part I: Assessment Methods. Control Sciences 1, 2–14 (2022).
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