Models of Joint Dynamics of Opinions and Actions in Online Social Networks. Part I: Primary Data Analysis
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    Models of Joint Dynamics of Opinions and Actions in Online Social Networks. Part I: Primary Data Analysis

    Gubanov, D.A. and Novikov, D.A. Models of Joint Dynamics of Opinions and Actions in Online Social Networks. Part I: Primary Data Analysis

    Abstract. Based on VKontakte data, we study the influence of various factors on the dynamics of opinions and actions both at the macro level (“public opinion”) and at the micro level (the opinions and actions of individual agents). Primary analysis results are presented for the dynamics of opinions and actions of agents in this social network. In particular, the growing polarization of opinions at the macro level is detected; changes in the opinions of agents over time are observed; socio-demographic characteristics of agents who changed their opinions are determined; a good consistency between the opinions and actions of agents is revealed; finally, an explicit relationship between the opinions and actions of agents is established.

    Keywords: social network, agent, opinion, action, social influence, cognitive dissonance, trust in information.

    Funding. This research was partially supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project no. 23-21-00408 (D.A. Gubanov).

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    Gubanov, D.A. and Novikov, D.A., Models of Joint Dynamics of Opinions and Actions in Online Social Networks. Part I: Primary Data Analysis. Control Sciences 2, 31–45 (2023).

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