State-of-the-Art and Development Trends of Geographic Information Systems
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    State-of-the-Art and Development Trends of Geographic Information Systems

    Alchinov, A. I. , Gorokhovsky, I. N., and Akif’eva, E. V. State-of-the-Art and Development Trends of Geographic Information Systems

    Abstract. When managing complex organizational and technical systems, decision support remains relevant due to the growing role and capabilities of geographic information systems (GISs). This survey is devoted to GISs. We analyze the level of their representation in the world and Russian environment, the peculiarities of their development, and the main related results obtained at the Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences. We highlight the technologies and functionality of GISs that are in high demand in the field of management. A GIS is interpreted as a mechanism to process and support managerial decisions. The main foreign and Russian GISs are reviewed, including their main characteristics, applications, and development trends as well. We describe geoinformation technologies and algorithms implemented in full-fledged GISs and also those providing platforms for creating various-purpose GISs.

    Keywords: geographic information system, remote sensing of the Earth, data storage, cloud service, knowledge base, modeling, visualization, aerial photography, Internet of Things, cartographic research method, artificial intelligence, machine learning.

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    Alchinov, A.I., Gorokhovsky, I.N., and Akif’eva, E.V., State-of-the-Art and Development Trends of Geographic Information Systems. Control Sciences 2, 2–16 (2024).

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